I was so excited to attend this year’s NAMM Show! It was my third
NAMM, and it always feels like a big reunion with friends from all over the world. Four days filled with music and being able to check out all the new gear you want – how awesome is that?
This year I was privileged to perform and also do some demos for DiGiGrid and NAMM itself. Dan Page and I gave a master class about how DiGiGrid improves the workflow in the studio. We talked about how easy SoundGrid is to use and how having different devices without latency can give a great boost in efficiency. The audience was very enthusiastic about learning these things, and completely blown away by how easily their problems in the studio could be solved.
As a singer-songwriter, the DiGiGrid products really help me to focus on what I love to do without any hassle. The ability to record demos on the fly and work from there is amazing! Being able to connect multiple devices with no latency is great for the workflow with other people. With the design being so foolproof, anybody can come in to the studio and understand which button does what, and that makes everything so easy.
NAMM gets better every year, and this year’s event did not disappoint. I’m already looking forward to NAMM 2019!