Serge Gräfe is a sound designer and front of house engineer who works with amongst others, the godfathers of electronic music, German legends Kraftwerk. Kiko King & creative maze, Gaddafi Gals and Sevdaliza are also currently on his client list.
Serge’s has two audio setups – one small and one large. DiGiGrid features in both.
He uses his big system for Kraftwerk and his small system for other clients and smaller gigs.
Serge Gräfe – “I love the sound quality of the preamps and the compact size of the interfaces.”
His small setup consists of a DiGiGrid IOS-XL on stage and a 17” laptop with a touchscreen and an Icon Platform Controller. If he needs more inputs for this setup he adds DiGiGrid IOX interfaces.
His remarkable large setup merits attention, combining MADI and SoundGrid into a super flexible LV1 and DiGiGrid based FOH mixing system.
Stage inputs are delivered via MADI; the all electronic act make this the ideal format for high channel count low latency on-stage workstation rigs. A DirectOut combo of the Split.convert and SG.MADI feed the backbone of the system… the SoundGrid network.
Once in SoundGrid mode, Serge combines multiple computers, Extreme Servers and DiGiGrid interfaces to provide an array of functions. The main FOH LV1 mix is handled by a pair of redundant servers, with DiGiGrid IOX and IOC units adding local inputs and outputs and Icon controllers for physical faders. A PC handles NI Reaktor and a MacMini adds QLab and Multitrack recording, both sitting directly on the network running the SoundGrid driver.
A full online backup FOH system sits on stage, receiving MADI via a DiGiGrid MGB, connected to a 4th PC and a 3rd Extreme SoundGrid Server.